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Psyche Entering Cupids Garden (1905)
. Psyche Entering Cupids Garden (1905)
Sleep and His Half Brother Death (1874)
. Sleep and His Half Brother Death (1874)
Study of Miss Muriel Foster (19xx)
. Study of Miss Muriel Foster (19xx)
A Naiad (1905)
. A Naiad (1905)
The Favorites of the Emperor Honorius (1883)
. The Favorites of the Emperor Honorius (1883)

There are 1879 total guestbook entries. Entries from 1 to 20 are shown.
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1. Jolande van de Beld found this site through a search engine (Google
  From The Netherlands signed on
  Ia hve been an admirer of J.W. Waterhouse. Because of that and because I love to stitch, I have stitched (embroidered) Soul of the Rose. At the moment I just started stitching Echo & Narcissus. I purchased my patterns at Golden Kite, a webshop in Sweden. This is the link: www.goldenkite.com.
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2. Ricky Taite found this site through other (
  From Australia signed on
  Just like music J.W Waterhouse paintings will resonate and echo a ripple effect for all generation, throughout all time and all eternity. I'm not a painter, but I love art. J.W Waterhouse art work speaks my language like sound painted on canvas. Thankyou for posting up this site.
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3. Chris vernet found this site through a search engine (Aol
  From USA signed on
  Great Stuff for Waterhouse
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4. Gary Cooper found this site through a search engine (Google
  From signed on
  I've long been a fan of Waterhouse and the earlier Pre-Raphaelites and thought it was a long time coming in them receiving their well deserved due. Three days ago I went to see the Waterhouse display at the Royal Academy in London - well worth the visit to see The Lady of Shalott, Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses (my favourite) Tristran and Isolde, et al. I picked up a few painting tips from the paintings too.
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5. Aja found this site through a search engine (google
  From USA signed on
  I owe it to my Mum for introducing me to Waterhouse. Ever since I was a little girl I would just stare at "The Lady of Shalott" and dream away with amazement. Now, as an adult I still cannot get enough and find such peace looking at his work. I really like this website and will be recommending it to other artists that share the same appriciation :)
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6. Pauline Loven found this site through a search engine (Google
  From Lincoln, UK signed on
  We have just made a short film of The lady of Shalott for the bicentenary celebrations of Tennyson's birth here in Lincolnshire. We based the visual style of the film very closely upon the John William Waterhouse paintings. The film can now be seen at the Collection, Lincoln's museum and there is an exhibition on the making of the film (which includes the costumes and the loom) at Lincoln's Central Library. The film will be shown until the end of August at the museum, but the exhibition at the library is only open until 11th June 2009. There is also a major exhibtion at The Collection called Tennyson Transformed, which will be open until the end of August, and which includes one of Waterhouse's Lady of Shalott paintings and the study made for it. The lady of Shalott Film will be available on DVD from the end of June. http://www.theladyofshalott.co.uk
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7. hyeli kim found this site through a search engine (http://www.naver.com
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8. Hugo found this site through a search engine (Google
  From Holland signed on
  Went to the JW Waterhouse exhibition in Groningen in Holland. Great works of art. I believe the exhibition will travel on to London and Montreal. Good website, the browsing is good and it's got lots of information to keep me busy for hours. Thanks, Hugo
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9. Hans found this site through a personal referral (Groninger Museum
  From Netherlands signed on
  We visited the J.W. Waterhouse exhibition in the Groninger Museum, the Netherlands. We were very impressed with the exquisite paintings and drawings. J.W.'s work is very much worth the interest it is finally getting. We were more than happy to find this excellent website, to be able to enjoy his work for a much longer time. Hans.
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10. clare found this site through a search engine (
  From korea signed on
  finally i found this site all about jjwaterhouse. thanks.. i love his painting so much when i see the paintings i can feel some beauty ang another power i like it~
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11. Eilis found this site through a search engine (
  From signed on
  I am awed by this sight.....I LOVE Waterhouse's images and the beauty he creates....thanks for this site....such a magical feast
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12. Leviathan found this site through a search engine (Google
  From England signed on
  J W Waterhouse has captured perfectly my own perception of feminine beauty and feminine strength. In this modern global society, where female beauty is subjected to the validation of a cynical sexualised objectified illusion by every conceivable form of media, Waterhouse stands out as a beacon of natural light.
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13. Bookworm found this site through a personal referral (My dear partiner in Bookworming!
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14. Renee found this site through a search engine (Google
  From signed on
  Thank you so much for this site, you've done a wonderful job, keep up the good work. John William Waterhouse is the best painter in the world, if he was alive today I would ask him if could be in a painting of his :).
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15. Julia found this site through a search engine (Yahoo search for Waterhouse
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16. Amanda Bean found this site through a search engine (Google
  From Derry, NH signed on
  I found out about Mr. Waterhouse's work in high school. Ever since then his work has inspired me in my work. This web page is a great way for me to view his wonderful artwork.
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17. Ani found this site through a search engine (
  From MU signed on
  waterhouse's my favorite painter and it's something really 'different' when looking at his paintings,it's all fantasy and dream and i can't help myself from wAnting to be in these nymphs places(some of them)
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18. Esther Monaghan found this site through a search engine (Google
  From Oxford, England signed on
  I adore John William Waterhouse's art and this beautiful site is a Godsend!! Congrats on your hardwork and many thanks!! Esther xx
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19. Sheri found this site through a search engine (google search
  From Louisiana, USA signed on
  I'll start by saying I have little to very little knowledge of art. I have read some of the entries in this guest book, and I am out of my element. I do know one thing..I know what appeals to my eye. Forgive me if I sound like an idiot. I'm sure you won't mind. We share at least one brain cell, we both love the work of John William Waterhouse. Many, many years ago when the internet was a new toy for me I was doing a random search for something and an image appeared on my screen. It was a lovely woman peering into a little golden box. I instantly connected to it somehow and thought it was the most interest, intriguing, beautiful thing I had ever seen. I saved the picture and found myself pulling it up all the time to just gaze at..No other piece of art had effected me like this one. I loved everything about it. The woman, the dress she was wearing, the background, the box.. just all of it. My young daughters saw it all the time and we would sit together and try to guess what the woman was seeing in the little box. Some nights I would read them their bedtime story and then they would want to play "guess what's in the box". I finally decided that I had to know who painted it. I looked for it on different websites but I didn't have the name of the artist or the name of the painting. Over the years I have searched from time to time, but no luck. I did find many other paintings that I fell in love with, but never the one I was looking for. Until today!!!!!! And to my utter amazement, nearly all of the other paintings that I fell in love with are in this collection. How is that possible? The same artist created all of my favorites and I didn't even know it until today. Thank you so much for all your hard work. This site is a very well put together tribute that oozes the passion you feel for his work and that I now feel about an amazing artist. John William Waterhouse has managed to capture the look of a woman on the outside that matches how I feel on the inside. And he has done it over and over and over again. "Psyche Opening the Golden Box" lead me here... but I love them all now. Again, Thank you so much...I can't wait to tell my daughters (who are teenagers now) that I FINALLY found the artist and the painting and so much more.
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20. Sharron Dicketts found this site through a link from another site (All Posters
  From Australia signed on
  Thank you for the wonderful J W Waterhouse site - I love the movements in the paintings and making the calendar is great. Please keep up the terrific work. Pinky & The Brain rock! Sam - Australia
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pinky and the brain Pinky, you give a whole new meaning to the phrase, "counter-intelligence." You have the I.Q. of plaster. - The Brain grey line
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